Restorering of furniture

By 27. mai 2011juni 19th, 2011Furniture


This morning I visited a local furniture upholsterer called A.K.Walløe, here in Bergen. They offer an amazing range of different services and have fantastic collaborative partners, which makes the whole experience of restoring your furniture to a game.  From built-in cabinets, loose covers for stoles, upholstering of sofas etc. to stopping and restoring of all furniture. They make as well headboards, madrasses, pillows, bedspreads and curtains! The list seems endless if you ask me. It makes sense to take care of our older furniture, it saves the environment and keeps the tradition of beautifully made furniture intact for future generations. Here are some pictures from this morning of some chairs on the way to having a make over…







































By the way they have a huge amount of very beautiful and up to date materials!

So check it out.


Have a good weekend :-)

Love Lisa

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