Restorering of furniture

By Furniture No Comments


This morning I visited a local furniture upholsterer called A.K.Walløe, here in Bergen. They offer an amazing range of different services and have fantastic collaborative partners, which makes the whole experience of restoring your furniture to a game.  From built-in cabinets, loose covers for stoles, upholstering of sofas etc. to stopping and restoring of all furniture. They make as well headboards, madrasses, pillows, bedspreads and curtains! The list seems endless if you ask me. It makes sense to take care of our older furniture, it saves the environment and keeps the tradition of beautifully made furniture intact for future generations. Here are some pictures from this morning of some chairs on the way to having a make over…







































By the way they have a huge amount of very beautiful and up to date materials!

So check it out.


Have a good weekend :-)

Love Lisa

Walk-in closets

By Furniture, Interior styles 3 Comments


Hey girls, we’ve done good! Yesterday I saw in the local newspaper that 23% of the women in Norway wish for a walk-in closet when renovating their homes. And you men wish for a training room. Well, why not!  But where there is a dream there finds a way and you don’t necessarily have to have the biggest house or apartment in the world, or the biggest budget either. You just have to be clever and manage to use space in the best possible way. Once you have decided on the room you want to use it’s important to think over a few things. Keep the walls, floor and ceiling in the room in light colours as not to distract you from the clothes. Use all space available from ceiling to floor and keep the shelves open and well organized. Keep the room well lit, and a big wall mirror is a must to make the room look glam and bigger. The Pax-series from Ikea is a module wardrobe that can fit into even the most difficult room so with all your clothes well organized and everything within your reach you’ll be the best well dressed girl in the world!  So get packing girls. With no further-a-do lets get some inspiration with more ideas…with walk-in closets, sorry boys.















Pictures found via and are from the movie set to ‘Sex and the city2’.









Found via gaderobenord.

Source unknown









Found via bculik.


Have a fun day!

Love Lisa


By Interior styles, Lighting No Comments


Lets play a little bit with the thought. To oversize or not to oversize? Scaling furniture in a room can be challenging at all times. Especially when most of us live in small apartments in the middle of the city. The less you see of a floor the smaller the room will look! So be wary. But think outside the box and opt for pieces or a piece that creates a wow effect. It’s all just an illusion, remember playing can stop a room from being gloomy, boring and drab.

Lamp over table is called Caravaggio from my favourite

So lets play…just have to be careful not to bang your head on the lamp when you get up after eating your meal.


Have a fabulous day everyone.

Love Lisa


Bachelor Degree Exhibition

By Furniture, Happenings No Comments


In Bergen we have the Bachelor Degree Exhibition, from the local Art College going on with 64 students showing off their examwork, from visual communicatuion, photograghy, ceramic, til room design and interior arkitekter. It’s exiting and inspiring to see work of up and coming students of the future…






































Furniture design from a young man, could this be the future chair we’ll be sitting on? Loved the small details of leather round the seat and the metal screws at the back. Very original which is not so easy to be in a design world overflowing with influences coming from all corners of the world.

Have a fabulous weekend and if looking for something inspirational to do check out the different Bachelor Degree Exhibitions in town, finishes this Saturday.



Love Lisa

New apartment?

By Interior styles No Comments


Have you just bought a new apartment or new house and looking to call it your own? I find alot of the newly built apartments and houses interiors’ look pretty much the same these day’s. All the walls are painted with the same light colour, the same tiles in the bathroom, and the same pine or eik on the floor. Help! Where do we begin to make it look like our own place. It’s ok, maybe, to just throw in all the old furniture from our ‘last place’ in to the new place but still things just don’t feel right.  More often than not, many rush out to buy that new fabulous sofa, or that new awesome cool lamp they spotted in the local design store. Still not right? No because when that new fabulous sofa arrives it’s too oversized to the rest of the room! Or when that spectacular lamp is finally hung up it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the apartment.  Oomph! Do you recognize the situation?  A little guidance is needed.  With Nett-based interior help we can draw in the measurements of the apartment or house and then find the right furniture and solutions for the difficult areas.  We can put forward the best textiles and recommend wall colours that work in the whole interior and harmonize together to create your own space!


Here is a styling project done by hand a while ago. Even though all is done fast and in 3d-graphic now I still think you can’t beat the old fashion way.


Have a fabulous day everyone:-)

Love Lisa

Shop-interior delight

By Commersial design, Lighting No Comments


Discovered this awesome lighting, which finds in a new interior concept store in London called The Home Quarter. Fest your eyes on the amazing lighting they have used in the staircase in the shop. Very eye catching and original. Writing on the walls are a brilliant idea to add a bit of fun to any interior anywhere and easily done through a local print shop.

source via they


See ya very soon.

Love Lisa

Dark,fun & sexy

By Colours, Furniture No Comments


Check out the skirting boards here in the picture. I just had to share this with you all. Unfortunately it was a while ago that I downloaded this picture and not sure of it’s source but it doesn’t stop us from appreciating the combination of colour, the fun of the coloured skirting boards and the dark sexy wood panel on the walls and the turquiose frame round the picture.









I’m loving it!


Have a happy weekend everyone.

Love Lisa



Outstanding chair…

By Furniture 3 Comments


Very elegant table chair from Casamania. The chair is called maritime and is made of ash plywood which makes for the lovely curves and the fantastic workmanship. Undoubtably the finest chair I have seen for along time, so we can just keep on dribbling and sighing to our hearts content…













Pictures er via the fabulous Dezeen and you can read more about the chair there.

I think sometimes we should just take a minute or two just to inhale the beautiful workmanship of some pieces of furniture. See the simple detail that’s made up a furniture.



Have a fabulous and sunny day everyone.

Love Lisa



Let’s face it.

By Furniture, Interior styles, Mirror No Comments


Mirrors are very handy indeed to an interior. They make small rooms look bigger, they make dark corners look brighter, and if you cover a whole wall from ceiling to floor with a mirror you can pretend there’s another room in there!  Anyway today I was in ‘Hjem Kjære Hjem’ for those who live in Bergen,in search for some wallpapers to the teenage room and saw this lovely mirror which would brighten up even the darkest room anywhere in a house. Comes in two different sizes too.

You like? Would look great in a more comtempary interior…

See ya soon again.

Love Lisa


Shelving tips…

By Bedroom, Furniture, Shelving No Comments


Now heres a good idea… keep it simple so not to create to much clutter in a room. Attach a row of simple wooden boxes to a board and hang on the wall. Brilliant. Great for small spaces, which I know alot of us don’t have enough of. Space! And the beautiful elegant lamp shade is from Lightyears called Concert-P1 fabulous lighting from denmark.

Have a good day,

Love lisa